iM3 Sustainability

iM3 is shifting from plastics to eco-friendly paper and cardboard packaging, utilizing recycled materials and a more sustainable production process. This reduces natural resource consumption and the company's carbon footprint.

A box with a star on it representing eco-friendly paper and cardboard packaging

Taking inspiration from the wise words of everyone's beloved frog, 'It's not easy being green,' we can each contribute to a more eco-friendly world by making simple changes.


At iM3, we're revolutionizing our approach to packaging and production with a focus on reduce, reuse, and recycle principles.

Emphasizing on the concept of reduce, reuse, recycle for environmental conservation

Our Ongoing Initiatives:

Bamboo Toothbrush

A bamboo toothbrush is a sustainable choice, utilizing rapidly renewable bamboo material that reduces plastic waste, has a low carbon footprint, and biodegrades naturally. Its minimal processing, non-toxic composition, and water efficiency further contribute to environmental well-being, while raising awareness and driving innovation in eco-friendly dental care practices.

A small dog standing next to a  bamboo toothbrush

Dental Units Packaging

Embracing the essence of sustainability, brown paper, brown paper tape, and cardboard packaging shine as beacons of environmental friendliness. Rooted in natural fibers and renewable sources, they elegantly biodegrade, safeguarding ecosystems. Their creation demands less energy, causing minimal disruption, and their recyclability completes a virtuous cycle.

Two dental units packed with brown paper, brown paper tape  and cardboard packaging

Dental Mats, ET Tubes & Suction Tips

Crafted from reusable and recyclable plastic, our dental mats and anesthesia ties not only offer functional excellence but also exemplify environmental consciousness. These products are designed with sustainability in mind, utilizing materials that can be used again and again, reducing the need for single-use alternatives.

 Dental mat crafted from reusable and recyclable plastic

Additionally, their recyclable nature ensures that, at the end of their lifecycle, they can be transformed into new resources rather than becoming long-lasting waste. By integrating these eco-friendly materials into your dental practices, you actively participate in reducing plastic waste, conserving resources, and fostering a more environmentally friendly approach to healthcare.

A  recyclable nasal oral tube
white plastic pipes with holes. Sustainable healthcare choice, minimizing environmental impact

Introducing our autoclavable suction tips, a groundbreaking solution that marries innovation with environmental responsibility. Designed to withstand repeated sterilization through autoclaving, these tips eliminate the need for single-use disposal. By embracing these autoclavable alternatives, you not only enhance infection control but also contribute significantly to reducing medical waste. This choice reflects a commitment to sustainable healthcare practices, where the emphasis on durability and reusability aligns seamlessly with the goal of minimizing environmental impact.

Complete transition from printed to digital catalogues,

reducing paper waste to zero

Embarking on a journey of eco-consciousness, we've made a resolute shift from traditional printed catalogs to cutting-edge digital editions. This visionary move not only streamlines accessibility and convenience but also achieves a remarkable feat: the complete elimination of paper waste. By embracing digital catalogs, we've eradicated the need for paper production, reducing deforestation pressures and minimizing the carbon footprint associated with printing. Our commitment to this transition underscores our dedication to sustainability, as we harness technology to pave the way for a greener future, one where information flows freely without compromising the environment.

iM3  digital catalogue

The environmentally friendly Digital Edition combines the natural browsing experience of leafing through a catalogue with all the modern convenience of the digital age.

LED Lighting in all of our iM3 buildings across the globe

With LED technology, we illuminate spaces with unprecedented efficiency and longevity. By opting for LED lighting, you're embracing a sustainable choice that drastically reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The extended lifespan of LEDs translates to fewer replacements, thus curbing resource depletion. This transformative shift to LED lighting mirrors our commitment to a brighter, more sustainable world, where technological advancements go hand in hand with responsible resource management.

Ceiling light illuminating a warehouse, showcasing efficient and sustainable LED technology for reduced energy consumption and emissions
A roll of brown paper tape with 'im3' on it, promoting sustainable packaging solutions with biodegradability and recyclability

With its natural appeal and adhesive strength, brown paper tape secures packages with integrity. By choosing brown paper tape, you champion a sustainable alternative that embraces biodegradability and recyclability. Unlike conventional plastic tape, brown paper tape seamlessly integrates into the natural cycle, leaving minimal impact on the environment. Our commitment to brown paper tape reflects our dedication to sustainable packaging solutions, where practicality meets responsible choices, ensuring that parcels are delivered securely while treading lightly on the planet.

Please note that the recycled cardboard packaging for iM3 instruments may not be as durable as the prior plastic packaging. Some superficial and cosmetic damage might occur during regular handling of the products. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

Stack of brown paper rolls for eco-friendly packaging, championing sustainability with biodegradability and recyclability

At iM3, we're committed to making environmentally responsible choices that contribute to a brighter, greener future. Join us on this journey towards sustainability.

A cardboard box packing on im3 product with a green recycling symbol