The soft tissue protector guards the tongue and cheeks by exposing only the bottom cutting surface of the diamond bur when used on cheek teeth. The protector is fitted to a 1:1 straight nose cones. iM3 code L6860
Rabbit Soft Tissue Protector & Diamond Bur KitThe iM3 soft tissue kit is an ideal set of instruments for reducing and levelling molar and incisor teeth. The soft tissue and diamond disc...
Soft Tissue RetractorWith three blunt curved rounded tines on one end and a double-angled spatula on the other, this retractor is used to hold soft tissues away to improve vision and access, and to...
iM3 Soft Impression PuttyiM3 Soft Impression Putty is hydrophilic addition polymerizaton type silicon rubber impression material with mixing base & catalyst.It has excellent detail...